
Over Kill

Over Kill - The LIE over Dutch Kills, from the Hunters Point Bridge in Queens.
The LIE over Dutch Kills, from the Hunters Point Bridge in Queens.


Gone Green

Gone Green - Fence & barrier next to Hunters Point Steel on 49th Ave. in Queens.
Fence & barrier next to Hunters Point Steel on 49th Ave. in Queens.


Gansevoort St. Garbage

Gansevoort St. Garbage - Garbage truck, that is, leaving the garbage barn.
Garbage truck, that is, leaving the garbage barn.




Towering - Independence Plaza towers look down on BMCC at N Moore St. and the Westside Highway.
Independence Plaza towers look down on BMCC at N Moore St. and the Westside Highway.


Smokestack Curl

Smokestack Curl - Rising from the 14th St. power plant, from the Williamsburg Bridge.
Rising from the 14th St. power plant, from the Williamsburg Bridge.