
Banner Ads

Banner Ads - Draped on buildings at Houston & Lafayette a while ago.
Draped on buildings at Houston & Lafayette a while ago.


Dark Tower Scaffold

Dark Tower Scaffold - Down now, the scaffolding was on the McIntyre Building at Broadway & 18th St.
Down now, the scaffolding was on the McIntyre Building at Broadway & 18th St.


Hunters Point Stalactites

Hunters Point Stalactites - Odd spray-painted formation seen on a frigid day off Hunters Point Ave. in Queens.
Odd spray-painted formation seen on a frigid day off Hunters Point Ave. in Queens.


Vermeer Dutch Kills Closeup

Vermeer Dutch Kills Closeup - Dead end of Dutch Kills in Queens, from the Hunters Point Ave. Bridge.
Dead end of Dutch Kills in Queens, from the Hunters Point Ave. Bridge.


Southside Traffic Jam

Southside Traffic Jam - Movie-shoot trucks slow traffic on Driggs at the bridge in Williamsburg.
Movie-shoot trucks slow traffic on Driggs at the bridge in Williamsburg.


Vermeer Dutch Kills

Vermeer Dutch Kills - Dead end of Dutch Kills in Queens, from the Hunters Point Ave. Bridge.
Dead end of Dutch Kills in Queens, from the Hunters Point Ave. Bridge.