


Snow Parking Drawing

Snow Parking Drawing - Looking down at the Corlears Hook Houses parking lot from the LES end of the Williamsburg Bridge.
Looking down at the Corlears Hook Houses parking lot from the LES end of the Williamsburg Bridge.


Naked Torso LIC

Naked Torso LIC - Naked torso looms over Long Island City near the entrance to the Queens-Midtown Tunnel.
Naked torso looms over Long Island City near the entrance to the Queens-Midtown Tunnel.


Union Square Building Bookshelf

Union Square Building Bookshelf - My longtime favorite cluster of buildings, on Union Square West at 17th St.
My longtime favorite cluster of buildings, on Union Square West at 17th St.


Trapped Trees

Trapped Trees - The trees were at the back of the Asher Levy school yard off First Ave. & 11th St. until a luxury condo was built there.
The trees were at the back of the Asher Levy school yard off First Ave. & 11th St. until a luxury condo was built there.