
Over Kill

Over Kill - The LIE over Dutch Kills, from the Hunters Point Bridge in Queens.
The LIE over Dutch Kills, from the Hunters Point Bridge in Queens.


Gone Green

Gone Green - Fence & barrier next to Hunters Point Steel on 49th Ave. in Queens.
Fence & barrier next to Hunters Point Steel on 49th Ave. in Queens.


Gansevoort St. Garbage

Gansevoort St. Garbage - Garbage truck, that is, leaving the garbage barn.
Garbage truck, that is, leaving the garbage barn.




Towering - Independence Plaza towers look down on BMCC at N Moore St. and the Westside Highway.
Independence Plaza towers look down on BMCC at N Moore St. and the Westside Highway.


Smokestack Curl

Smokestack Curl - Rising from the 14th St. power plant, from the Williamsburg Bridge.
Rising from the 14th St. power plant, from the Williamsburg Bridge.


Bronze Brick

Bronze Brick - Morning light from the side sets it off, on 33rd St. just west of 5th Ave.
Morning light from the side sets it off, on 33rd St. just west of 5th Ave.